Performance Driven.
Performance Proven.
Ultimax belts by Timken deliver optimum performance and long belt life.
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Who We Are
The Ultimax tradition of quality and innovation continues. Everything about an Ultimax belt is designed to deliver performance and dependability. With specially formulated rubber compounds and extra strong aramid cord, Ultimax is designed for the rider who refuses to settle for second best!

Proudly made in the USA, the Ultimax family includes Ultimax MAX, Ultimax PRO and Ultimax XS snowmobile drive belts; Ultimax HQ, Ultimax UA and Ultimax XP drive belts for ATVs, UTVs and SxSs; and Ultimax MD (Multi-Duty) belts.

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Snowmobile Belts
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What to Watch
Check out the video from Dirt Trax Television with “an answer for the best reliability, best durability and best warranty when it comes to your belts.”
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